How do i make plastic models look realistic

How do i make plastic models look realistic
If you are new to the hobby of building and painting plastic models, it can be difficult to know where to start. There is a wide variety of techniques that people use to make their models look realistic. In this post, we will discuss some of the most popular ones and some tips for beginners who want their models to have a professional finish!


One of the first things that people will do with their model is to paint it. Painting models can be difficult and takes years of practice to become a master. However, there are some basic techniques for beginners who want to have good looks without being too hard on themselves! The most important thing when painting plastic models is to use paint designed for plastic. This will ensure that the painting process does not damage your model, and it turns out looking great!


Another way to make your models look more realistic is by adding weathering. This is the process of adding effects such as scratches and scuffs, which show that the model has been around for a while! There are many different ways to add weathering – some people like to use sandpaper or acetone to simulate wear and tear, but you can also use things like shoe polish or skin cream for a more natural effect.

One of the most popular ways to add weathering is using pigments – which are small particles that come in different colors and textures. Pigments work great on models because they get into all of those little cracks and crevices, making your model look even more realistic! There is a great article on how do i make plastic models look realistic.

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The most important thing about weathering is to be careful – you don’t want it to make the surface of your model uneven. For this reason, I recommend adding a top coat once all of the weathering has been applied to seal everything down and keep it looking professional!


Adding details to your model is another great way of making it look more realistic. The most common type of detail that people add are rivets – these come in many different shapes and sizes to customize them depending on the size and shape of your model!

Rivets are easy to install: all you have to do is choose the right drill bit (depending on the thickness), find where you want them, then drill holes with an electric or battery-powered drill. Once they’re drilled into place, cover up any excess plastic using liquid glue before painting over everything with primer paint!

Another option for adding detailing is by using washers as antennae. These don’t take much time to make; all you need is a pair of pliers and some liquid glue. Attach them to the antennae, then paint over everything with primer!

Graders might not think about adding are riveting for fasteners – these will help make your model look more realistic by simulating how it would be attached. Easy peasy!

Lighting and Shadows

The last thing we’ll talk about is lighting and shadows. This can be a little more complicated than the other techniques, but it’s worth it!

Models are usually lit by sunlight; this means that the model will have an irregular shadow on one side of its surface and highlights on areas where light hits! It takes some practice to get these right – so don’t worry if you’re not perfect at first. Just take your time and experiment with different types of lighting until you find something that looks realistic for your specific type of model.

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Displaying the Model for Best Results

This is the last step in making your model look professional! Displaying it will make all of the hard work you went through worth it and really show off not only how realistic your model looks but also how talented a crafter you are.

The most important thing to remember about displaying plastic models is that they must be displayed with care; otherwise, they’ll get scratched or broken by people touching them. For this reason, I recommend hanging your finished work on display hooks using a fishing line or thread – these can hold much more weight than clothes hangers and won’t damage anything. The other option for those who want to showcase their finished product without damaging it is by putting it into a shadowbox frame, as I did below (I made mine out of a cereal box!).

Fill the frame with white tissue paper before you put your model inside it, and then use an X-acto knife to cut out windows where you want to place small pieces of backlighting (this will show off all those details that shadows would normally hide). You can find tutorials on how to make these online or in any craft store for relatively cheap. It usually takes about four hours total — but when you’re finished, your model should look like something straight out of Hollywood! 🙂

Cleanup and Storage Tips

If you’re looking for a way to help protect your work from dust and scratches, you must find something to display the model without damaging it. The options I mentioned above are perfect because they use materials that won’t cause any damage; however, if all else fails, there is always glass!

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Glass can be difficult to transport or hang on hooks (unless the hook has been specifically designed with this in mind). If this sounds like what you want, just search online for «shadowbox frames» – these should have everything you need! You’ll also need protective spray (usually polyurethane) before putting anything inside them so that light doesn’t leak through cracks onto the surfaces.

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